Results of
international baccalaureate batch of 2024
We congratulate the international baccalaureate batch of 2024 for getting excellent grades.
Grade 7:
Sara Faith ho
David Kwah
Jason Wong
Dylan Gabriel
Erica Lim
Haylee Lindner
Jerry Loh
Wayne Tan
Brendan Tan
Isabelle Tang
Ng Ren Hui
Amber Declan
Full marks for EE:
Kaitlyn Ee

Students' Testimonials
Mdm Diana has been an excellent teacher, both during and outside of lesson time. During lessons, she always lets everyone have an equal opportunity at contributing to the lesson. Additionally, she conducts interactive and engaging types of lessons, ensuring that students remain attentive and interested during lesson time.
At the same time, she creates a class environment where students can easily learn from one another by hearing and sharing their points, and writing thematic statements, promoting a more cohesive culture amongst students.
Outside of lesson time, she also provides much support through messaging or calls. During the online lessons which I joined for the 2 years of my IB, she never failed to get her lesson points across while also always ensuring everyone felt part of the class wherever they were.
I have really enjoyed Mdm Diana classes and will definitely recommend them to all students, regardless of your skill in English Language and Literature. -
Ivan Loh, ACSI IB 2024
(Grade 6 Language and Literature)
Ms Diana is a very passionate teacher who carefully guides all her students to excel in the subject. I have been taught by her since secondary 3, and through her engaging lessons, I was able to improve on my Language and Literature to great lengths.
Her wide yet apt use of vocabulary further enhanced my own writing. Moreover, her lessons are extremely clear in teaching every student essay plans and techniques, while learning to unpack each question to best answer them.
I thoroughly enjoyed each lesson as she kept them very engaging for each and every student.
Ariel Low MGS/ ACS International IB 2024
(Grade 6 Language and Literature, co-top for Paper 2 in IB exam)
I joined Ms Diana's lessons in Year 6. In this short span of time, her lessons have been incredibly helpful and productive. She consistently paid close attention to each student and our needs, providing us with the necessary help during our IB journey. I would not have been able to make significant improvements in my langlit grade without her guidance. I’m truly thankful to Mrs Tham for her effective lessons and for being so patient with us!
Erica Lim, ACSI IB 2024
(Grade 7 for Language and Literature)
Madam Diana was a valuable and indispensable part of my IB language and literature journey. Although my learning was solely online, Madam Diana ensured that each student received individualised attention and feedback, and that each lesson was effective and engaging.
Through the consultations that she is always open to in class, and the weekly lessons, I gained a thorough understanding of the various literary texts and just as importantly, the proper essay-writing techniques.
After just under a year with her tutelage, my grades improved significantly and I would not have been able to achieve my IB Langlit grade 7 without Mdm Diana and her unwavering passion for teaching!
Jason Wong, ACSI IB 2024
(Grade 7 for Language and Literature)